Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Doors...

As a father, I feel it is my duty to introduce my children to quality music. Every day they are assaulted by the local pop music stations with sounds that (to me) are pale copies of originals. As I listen with them in the car, I hear new words but the back beats and guitar riffs are all repeats of songs done long ago. Last week as we are riding down the highway, I hear the first few bars of music and proudly announce, "That's Tainted Love, by Soft Cell." (Of course, I knew that it was a remake of Gloria Jones from 1964, but I didn't think I would lose points for that. Nor did I mention the recently disturbed version by Marilyn Mansion) However, as the song progressed, I heard different words but the same music. My oldest daughter (now at the wise old age of 15) just stared at me blankly and said "Tainted what?" I think I aged 10 years in those few minutes. At that precise moment it hit me. Now I'm the "Old Man" who just doesn't get it.

With that I took matters into my own hands. Luckily I always keep an emergency CD in the glove compartment for unexpected long trips or heavy traffic, so I grabbed it. What followed were the eerie but melodic sounds of the opening measures of "Riders on the Storm" by The Doors. Suddenly, the car was quiet. I waited for a reaction. Two minutes, 30 seconds later, I hear the words that are sweet to any father's ears. "Daddy, who is that?" Now normally that sentence is delivered in "teenager tone" which instantly gives the receiver the feeling of stupidity. However, this time it was actually a question, and not a statement. "That's The Doors sweetheart. And that's Jim Morrison singing." More time passes. Still the car remains quiet. Could it be? Is she really listening and maybe even (dare I say it) enjoying it?

"Into this house were born
Into this world were thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone"

Finally, the question comes. The one question that will lift the spirit of any father...
"Daddy, do you have any more of their songs?"

"Yes dear, this one is called Light My Fire..."

My job here is done.

Final Score:
Dad: 1
Local Pop Station: 0